DTEK Renewables has provided co-financing for the overhaul of the roof of the surgical building at Berezanska Central District Hospital, where about 2.3 thousand patients have received medical care over the past year.
The roof overhaul work, which began in autumn 2024, was completed in March 2025. A total of 1,072 sq.m of the roof was completely renovated - the old slate was replaced with a modern profiled sheet covering; waterproofing and fireproofing of wooden structures were carried out; ventilation ducts were replaced, a lightning rod, a grounding system and heated gutters were installed for uninterrupted operation in winter.
Thus, in addition to repairing the roof at the hospital, the company financed the repair of the water supply system and the improvement of the lyceum yard in Krasnopillia village, the purchase of a solid fuel boiler for the lyceum and a module for the water treatment system in Anatolivka village. Moreover, with the financial support of DTEK Renewables and in partnership with Shakhtar Social Charity Foundation, the children's project ‘Come On, Let's Play!’ aimed at developing children's football continues to be implemented in Koblevo and Berezanka during 2023-2025.
The roof overhaul work, which began in autumn 2024, was completed in March 2025. A total of 1,072 sq.m of the roof was completely renovated - the old slate was replaced with a modern profiled sheet covering; waterproofing and fireproofing of wooden structures were carried out; ventilation ducts were replaced, a lightning rod, a grounding system and heated gutters were installed for uninterrupted operation in winter.
"We continue our close cooperation with the communities. It is important for us that the areas where DTEK Renewables operate develop and become more comfortable for living, despite the realities of wartime. Helping the hospital is actually helping everyone who lives in Berezan and neighbouring communities. For our part, we are grateful to the Ukrainian doctors who, despite all the difficulties, continue to save lives and health around the clock," comments Oleh Solovei, DTEK Renewables Deputy CEO for Operations.The total cost of the project amounted to over UAH 4 million, of which DTEK Renewables financed 2.5 million.
The roof before the renovation
In total, in 2024 and early 2025, DTEK Renewables financed UAH 5.6 million to fulfil its social partnership commitments with Berezanska and Koblivska territorial communities."The hospital building was constructed in 1977 and at that time was considered one of the best in the region's social infrastructure. Our hospital is visited not only by residents of Berezanka but also by neighbouring communities. Therefore, comfortable conditions in the hospital are no less important to people than high-quality medical services. The issue of overhauling the roof of the surgery building is long overdue. Last year, the hospital allocated part of the funds for the renovation, while the majority was financed by our partner DTEK Renewables. We are grateful to the responsible business for such support," says Vasyl Haidarzhi, Chief Medical Officer of Berezan Central District Hospital.
Thus, in addition to repairing the roof at the hospital, the company financed the repair of the water supply system and the improvement of the lyceum yard in Krasnopillia village, the purchase of a solid fuel boiler for the lyceum and a module for the water treatment system in Anatolivka village. Moreover, with the financial support of DTEK Renewables and in partnership with Shakhtar Social Charity Foundation, the children's project ‘Come On, Let's Play!’ aimed at developing children's football continues to be implemented in Koblevo and Berezanka during 2023-2025.